Getting Started

Basic Case

The AgentModel class is the main point of interaction between a user and SIMOC. Below is a very basic example of loading a configuration, initializing a model, running the model, and exporting the results.

import json
from agent_model import AgentModel

with open('data_files/config_1hrad.json') as f:
    config = json.load(f)

model = AgentModel.from_config(config, data_collection=True)


data = model.get_data(debug=True)

Preset Configurations

Presets include everything required for a successful simulation, including:

  • All full ECLSS system comprised of 8-10 individual agents

  • Enough potable water and food rations to support the crew

  • An earth-normal atmosphere in the habitat and/or greenhouse

The Config object specifies which agents are included and at what quantity, starting currency allocations, termination conditions, step order, and other fields. The SIMOC repository includes 5 preset configurations, matching the 5 preset simulations on the web interface.

  • config_1h.json: A small crew quarters with one human

  • config_1hrad.json: A small crew quarters with one human and one radish

  • config_4h.json: A medium crew quarters with four humans

  • config_4hg.json: A medium crew quarters with four humans and a small garden.

  • config_1hg_sam.json: The SAM habitat with 1 human and a small garden.

Presets are stored as .json files in the data_files directory. Load presets into Python, then generate a SIMOC simulation using the AgentModel.from_config() method.

with open('data_files/config_1hrad.json') as f:
    config = json.load(f)
model = AgentModel.from_config(config)

Custom Configurations

A best practice for custom configurations is to first load a preset, and then modify it. This assures that all required fields are included, and the atmosphere currencies are initialized correctly.

# Load preset
with open('data_files/config_1hrad.json') as f:
    config = json.load(f)
# Adjust agent amount
config['agents']['radish']['amount'] += 10
# Adjust starting currency allocation
config['agents']['ration_storage']['ration'] += 10
# Add a new agent
config['agents']['rice'] = dict(amount=10)


AgentModel.get_data() returns a Model Data, which can be used to generate visualizations. Below are two useful functions for inspecting the data:

Inspect A Group

Agents’ data includes up to 4 ‘group’ fields, or fields that include several currencies or variables. These are:

  • growth: All variables related to tracking and coordinating agent growth (e.g. current_growth)

  • storage: The agent’s current balance of stored currencies (e.g. internal_biomass)

  • flows: The actual amount of each currency exchange (i.e. input/output)

  • deprive: The size and status of the deprivation buffer for each relevant currency

Each group is a dict of lists, and each list is the value of a variable at every step of the simulation. Because they have a common structure, it is convenient to view them with a single function, shown below. Also included in the function are a list of variables to exclude, and an optional start/finish step.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_group(group, exclude=[], i=None, j=None):
    length = len(next(iter(group.values())))
    i = i or 0
    j = j or length-1
    steps = range(j-i)
    for currency, values in group.items():
        if sum(values) == 0 or currency in exclude:
        plt.plot(steps, values[i:j], label=currency)

# Inspect the co2 and h2o levesl of the crew habitat
plot_group(data['crew_habitat_small']['storage'], exclude=['n2', 'o2'])

Inspect a Currency

Sometimes you want to view all flows of a particular currency across all agents. Below is a function that does this by iterating through the agents, searching for the currency, and plotting it if found.

Note that flows are recorded in two different variables in agent data:

  • flows: the total absolute value of exchanges for a currency on a step.

  • flow_records: the amount input and output for each exchange of a currency on a step.

Above we used flows, and here we’ll use flow_records so we can plot both postive and negative values:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_currency(data, currency, exclude=[], i=None, j=None):
    flows = {}
    length = None
    for agent_name, agent_data in data.items():
        if 'flow_records' not in agent_data:
        for currency_name, currency_data in agent_data['flow_records'].items():
            if currency_name != currency:
            flow_records = {}
            if not length:
                length = len(currency_data)
            for n, step in enumerate(currency_data):
                at_least_one = False
                for record in step:
                    if agent_name not in flows:
                        flows[agent_name] = [0] * n
                    if not at_least_one:
                        at_least_one = True
                        flows[agent_name][-1] -= record['amount']
                if not at_least_one and agent_name in flows:
    i = i or 0
    j = j or length
    steps = range(j-i)
    for agent_name, agent_data in flows.items():
        if agent_name in exclude:
        pad_zeros = len(steps) - len(agent_data)
        if pad_zeros > 0:
            agent_data += [0] * pad_zeros
        plt.plot(steps, agent_data[i:j], label=agent_name)
    plt.legend(loc='lower right')

plot_currency(data, 'o2')

Custom Agents

SIMOC agent descriptions are spread across five data objects. .json files for built-in agents are in the data_files directory, and are loaded automatically when initializing a model. These data objects are:

To add custom agents, first build custom description files for that agent, then add description files as arguments to AgentModel.from_config().

currency_desc = {...}
agent_desc = {...}
agent_conn = {...}
model = AgentModel.from_config(config,

User-defined data objects are merged with the built-ins, replacing existing fields of the same name, or adding new fields if not defined. This allows the user to add new agents and currencies by defining an agent with a new name, or modify built-in agents and currencies by mirroring the structure of the default description but modifying specific fields.

Defining a new agent: Mushrooms

Here we define a very basic mushroom agent. First let’s describe our target behavior, then we’ll integrate it into SIMOC.

  • Consumes 10 grams of oxygen and 10 grams of inedible biomass per hour, following a sigmoid lifetime growth curve (i.e. mature plant consumes more)

  • Grows 20g per hour (sum of oxygen and inedible biomass), following a normal lifetime growth curve (i.e. growth is fastest in the middle of lifetime)

  • Live for 30 days, then harvest

  • At harvest time, convert 90% of biomass to mushrooms, and 10% to mushroom_waste. Here we create a separate currency from inedible_bimoass (which the other plants produce) so that the mushroom can’t eat itself.

The first task is to update the Currency Description. Oxygen, biomass and inedible biomass are already defined, so we just need to add mushrooms and mushroom waste. Make sure to nest them within the currect currency class.

custom_currency_desc = {
    'food': {
        'mushroom': {
            'label': 'Mushroom'
    'nutrients': {
        'mushroom_waste': {
            'label': 'Mushroom Waste'

Next, we need to add capacity for these currencies to our storage agents in the Agent Description data object. We do this by adding a new characteristic to the existing storages. Again, don’t forget to nest the agents within the correct agent class.

custom_agent_desc = {
    'storage': {
        'food_storage': {
            'data': {
                'characteristics': [{
                    'type': 'capacity_mushroom',
                    'value': 1000,
                    'unit': 'kg'}]}},
        'nutrient_storage': {
            'data': {
                'characteristics': [{
                    'type': 'capacity_mushroom_waste',
                    'value': 1000,
                    'unit': 'kg'}]}}

Now we’ll add our new mushroom agent and define its inputs, outputs and characteristics. We can add this to the agent_desc object we created in the previous step.

custom_agent_desc['plants'] = {
    'mushroom': {
        'data': {
            'input': [{
                'type': 'o2',
                'value': 0.01,
                'required': 'desired',
                'flow_rate': dict(unit='kg', time='hour'),
                'growth': dict(lifetime={'type': 'sigmoid'}),
                'deprive':  dict(value=72, unit='hour')
            }, {
                'type': 'inedible_biomass',
                'value': 0.01,
                'required': 'desired',
                'flow_rate': dict(unit='kg', time='hour'),
                'growth': dict(lifetime={'type': 'sigmoid'}),
                'deprive':  dict(value=72, unit='hour')
            }, {
                'type': 'biomass',
                'value': 1,
                'weighted': 'current_growth',
                'flow_rate': dict(unit='kg', time='hour'),
                'criteria': dict(name='grown', 'limit='=', value=True)
            'output': [{
                'type': 'biomass',
                'value': 0.02,
                'flow_rate': dict(unit='kg', time='hour'),
                'growth': dict(lifetime={'type': 'sigmoid'}),
            }, {
                'type': 'mushroom',
                'value': 0.9,
                'weighted': 'current_growth',
                'flow_rate': dict(unit='kg', time='hour'),
                'criteria': dict(name='grown', 'limit='=', value=True)
            }, {
                'type': 'mushroom_waste',
                'value': 0.1,
                'weighted': 'current_growth',
                'flow_rate': dict(unit='kg', time='hour'),
                'criteria': dict(name='grown', 'limit='=', value=True)
            'characteristics': [
                dict(type='lifetime', value=720, unit='hour'),
                dict(type='growth_criteria', value='out_biomass'),
                dict(type='capacity_biomass', value=100, unit='kg')

Then we add connections for each currency exchanges to the Agent Connections.

custom_agent_conn = [
    dict(from='greenhouse.o2', to='mushroom.o2'),
    dict(from='nutrient_storage.inedible_biomass', to='mushroom.inedible_biomass'),
    dict(from='mushroom.biomass', to='mushroom.biomass'),
    dict(from='mushroom.mushroom', to='food_storage.mushroom'),
    dict(from='mushroom.mushroom_waste', to='nutrient_storage.mushroom_waste'),

Finally, we import a preset configuration, add some mushrooms to it, and instantiate a new model using our custom data objects:

with open('data_files/config_1hrad.json') as f:
    config = json.load(f)
config['agents']['mushroom'] = {'amount': 10}
config['agents']['nutrient_storage']['inedible_biomass'] = 200
model = AgentModel.from_config(config,
data = model.get_data(debug=True)